Sunday, July 28, 2013


So next week is finals...with a few last minute lectures, lab makeups and quizzes thrown in for good measure.  

I've been busy studying all weekend long and I broke my toe as well...yep  having tons of fun hobbling around. At least I can give the technical name of the body part, must be learning something.

Quote of the semester..."you're staying in AGAIN? but it's Saturday night" 

Totally lame when your parents point out the lack of a social life. Ha ha In my defense I did surface for a bar outing Thursday and plan to go to Akron tonight. 

*I don't even want to count the hours I've spent on these subjects*

 It'll all be over soon (by Thursday night) and I hope all the hard work I've put into the last 9 weeks will pay off. I am so looking forward to having a few weeks off before fall semester starts

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