Wednesday, July 24, 2013

#3.2 Nut N' Pineapple Crusted Fish

*Nut N'Pineapple Crusted Tilapia*
This week for meals I was trying to use up what I had in the fridge. Earlier in the week I attempted to make up a chicken recipe using Jameson eh nothing to write home about so I figured maybe I should look at recipes this time around. I stumbled along one from Kraft that I had most of the ingredients for and yeah it's another non red meat dish time to check off another item on the list.

Even though I was a little leery about mayonnaise and fish (I'm not a mayo fan and I'm surprised we had any) I gave it a whirl. I was pleasantly surprised by the results, and I didn't notice the mayo at all!  I loved the texture and crunch of the nuts and it had a great sweet and spicy taste.

 I substituted a few things like tilapia, banana peppers, fresh pineapple, dried cilantro flakes and cashews/almonds. Hmm guess that's just about everything ha! I think you for sure need the heat of the jalapenos for this dish, but the rest were fine substitutions. I paired it with Trader Joe Cuban style black beans and fresh steamed green beans. It was a great light tropical tasting dish and it will be added to the recipe rotation. 

You can find the recipe here. Kraft has some great suggestions for additional substitutions after the recipe.

*all crusted and ready for the oven*

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