Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Have Champagne Will Travel

For someone who has moved as much as I have (about 20 different addresses but who's counting) I'm sure you'll agree each place holds unique memories but only if it's really special will it hold a spot in your heart.     

*enjoying a fabulous wedding*
For 6 years I lived in Louisville Kentucky and for me it's one of the top 3 places I will forever feel like "home".  I can't help but hum a bit of  My Old Kentucky Home as I cross the Ohio River and see the blue grass. Every time I hear the bugle at Churchill Downs my heart does a flutter and man oh  man there is nothing like seeing a well stocked bar of bourbon after a hot and humid day (which are plentiful). 
*as a bar should look- all bourbon*

I don't get to return to Louisville as much as a like, but when I do it's always a wonderful trip and there are numerous friends willing to bestow their southern hospitality. This past trip was no exception. 

I packed up a few travel bottles of champagne, cigars, and a bridesmaid dress and headed down for a whirlwind weekend trip sandwiched between midterms. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013


So next week is finals...with a few last minute lectures, lab makeups and quizzes thrown in for good measure.  

I've been busy studying all weekend long and I broke my toe as well...yep  having tons of fun hobbling around. At least I can give the technical name of the body part, must be learning something.

Quote of the semester..."you're staying in AGAIN? but it's Saturday night" 

Totally lame when your parents point out the lack of a social life. Ha ha In my defense I did surface for a bar outing Thursday and plan to go to Akron tonight. 

*I don't even want to count the hours I've spent on these subjects*

 It'll all be over soon (by Thursday night) and I hope all the hard work I've put into the last 9 weeks will pay off. I am so looking forward to having a few weeks off before fall semester starts

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

#3.2 Nut N' Pineapple Crusted Fish

*Nut N'Pineapple Crusted Tilapia*
This week for meals I was trying to use up what I had in the fridge. Earlier in the week I attempted to make up a chicken recipe using Jameson eh nothing to write home about so I figured maybe I should look at recipes this time around. I stumbled along one from Kraft that I had most of the ingredients for and yeah it's another non red meat dish time to check off another item on the list.

Even though I was a little leery about mayonnaise and fish (I'm not a mayo fan and I'm surprised we had any) I gave it a whirl. I was pleasantly surprised by the results, and I didn't notice the mayo at all!  I loved the texture and crunch of the nuts and it had a great sweet and spicy taste.

 I substituted a few things like tilapia, banana peppers, fresh pineapple, dried cilantro flakes and cashews/almonds. Hmm guess that's just about everything ha! I think you for sure need the heat of the jalapenos for this dish, but the rest were fine substitutions. I paired it with Trader Joe Cuban style black beans and fresh steamed green beans. It was a great light tropical tasting dish and it will be added to the recipe rotation. 

You can find the recipe here. Kraft has some great suggestions for additional substitutions after the recipe.

*all crusted and ready for the oven*

Monday, July 22, 2013

#21.2 Shark Bait OOO HA HA

*Welcome to the GCA*
To check off list item # 21.2 I got a chance to take an after hours behind the scenes tour of the Greater Cleveland Aquarium. I might be spoiled after this because from now on I only want to go to museums with a private group of people! I was totally blown away at the thought and beauty that was put in to this aquarium. We met with GCA General Manager Tami Brown and had a quick Q&A session about different museum professions and the operations of the aquarium itself. Then we were off to explore!
*Moon Jellyfish in an old smokestack*

The Greater Cleveland Aquarium for the past year and half is in the Powerhouse... remember when it was Howl at the Moon and Rock Bottom Brewery? It looks completely transformed!  The powerhouse is a historic building so Tami discussed the numerous challenges and limitations while attempting to renovate the building. Check out the paint in the long corridor, it might seem a bit out of place but they were not allowed to remove or alter it. I was amazed at how the GCA was able to meld the old and the new. This museum is truly a work of art in itself. 

*long corridor photo by Dale McDonald*

As you wind your way through the museum it feels like you are transported to another realm as the light reflects off the tanks and shimmers on the exposed brick walls. There is also different artwork and music throughout the museum from local artists. 

*Fishies photo by Dale McDonald*

The aquarium's main focus is the visitor experience.You can tell that a lot of thought was put into the design layout of the museum, the rooms decor,  and organisms they choose for the exhibits. The tanks are low and open for easy viewing of all heights. It made me feel a part of the exhibit. They have actors and scientists interact with the public. There are also opportunities to touch sting rays (feels like slimy rubber) and get close to the Galapagos Tortoises. The shark tube is a really cool element, the sharks swim right over your head! Talk about getting chills.
*Shark Tube photo by Dale McDonald*

*Filtration Area of Shark Tube*
The GCA tries to use every available space to it's advantage. The filtration areas are tucked away as well as some conservation projects that they are working on. You can tell the staff really love what they do and are passionate about the environment, Cleveland and making this the best experience possible. Thanks for a great evening!

While the aquarium is on the smaller side it is well worth a trip to admire the architecture and the beautiful fish. If anything it's a great way to beat the heat and if you ride Lolly the Trolley you get a discount at the museum!

All that museum wandering gave Mom and I an appetite so afterwards we headed to Buckeye Beer Engine for the Burger of the Month: Georgia Peach. It might be my favorite one ever!
*O-fishally hungry*

Friday, July 19, 2013

#3.1 Lemon Butter Tilapia with Capers


To kick off the vegetarian cooking list item (one down 19 to go) I went with an oldy but goody in my recipe collection. I'll be more adventurous for future meals and try some new recipes. This is one of my favorite go to meals when I want something quick, easy and looks like I did a lot of work.

 I made up this recipe mashing a bunch together and to suite my personal taste. You really can't mess it up feel free to make it your own!  I love to pair it with Tabbouleh and steamed veggies. I like Casablanca Gardens Tabouli from World Market, it takes only 5 minutes and is super flavorful.  All together it's about 6-8 WW+pts depending on the amount of butter and seasonings you add to veggies. Enjoy!

tilapia fillets
1-2 Tbsp butter melted
Parmesan cheese
1 lemon
garlic powder
salt & pepper
cilantro flakes
parsley flakes
lemon pepper (optional but helps add a little extra zing)

preheat oven to 375 and spray bottom of pan.  Salt and pepper both sides of Tilapia. Melt butter and pour over top of fillets. Cut 4 (circle shaped) slices of lemon to place on fish later then squeeze rest of lemon over fillets. Pour liquids first so seasonings don't get washed off. Sprinkle fish with garlic powder, cilantro flakes, parsley flakes, and lemon pepper. Add Tbsp or so of capers (drained) and sprinkle Parmesan cheese on each fillet. Cut slices of lemon in half and put 2 pieces on each fish. Bake for 25-30 min

*white wine or Jameson are other great suggestions to change up taste...pour Tbsp or so over each fillet when adding other liquids

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

#21.2 coming soon!

I apologize for the lack of posts. I know I've completed quite a few list items already but the write ups are in process. Going out of town/country and wrapping up what seems to be an endless string of midterms and lab practicals will really limit your free time.

Anyways I just wanted to update that Friday night I'll be checking something else off the list: #21 Go to 4 different museums. I will be taking a behind the scenes tour of the Greater Cleveland Aquarium. It's relatively new to the city and I have been dying to go! Thanks to Cleveland Emerging Museum Professionals for setting up this event I can't wait. Look for the post early next week.

Greater Cleveland Aquarium Shark Tank
*Photo by Dale McDonald*

Friday, July 12, 2013

Lakewood Eats

I figured since I love finding quirky, original, and educational things to do in a town I'd make a Cleveland Rocks series of posts highlighting cool things to do here. 

My birthday included a day of moving,work,and classes so had to think of quick pit stop in Lakewood for food. I still love that I can pay people in food and beer for help moving. So many choices but I always gravitate towards Buckeye Beer Engine on Madison and Arthur Ave.

Buckeye Beer Engine has a ginormous and ever changing selection of beers on tap and bottles. The menu has a good set of staple items but has weekly specials and a burger of the month (BOM) which never disappoints. I enjoy coming here for the atmosphere, patio, and usually great service & food. 
* May's BOM: Bob Marley*

After filling up on burgers and beer my hired muscles and I walked around the area. Low and behold another Cleveland staple was down the street! Since Will is new to the area had to take him in to try the decadence of Malley's chocolate. My favorite treat is the Malley-O an oreo dipped in chocolate...mmm

*Lakewood Store*

 This is one company that seems to have new stores popping up all over the area. For me I still love going to the few ice cream parlors. Each ice cream parlor has its own unique character one even included a merry- go-round! The pale pink decor and soda fountain counter makes the experience all that more enjoyable and reminiscent of past times. 

While you can take a "tour" of the factory which ends up just being a window over looking a production line, you can explore just as much going to a larger store. The staff are always friendly and the chocolate is fabulous. 

*Sibs after our "tour"*

All in all it was a perfect evening of unique Cleveland eats. If you are in the area be sure to check these places out. July's BOM is the Georgia Peach- burger topped with cheddar, bourbon BBQ sauce, caramelized onions, and a brown sugar grilled peach with fried mint garnish. Yum bourbon and peaches...I will for sure be hitting up Buckeye Beer Engine this month!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The List

So for those that know me I am a chronic list maker. They help me stay organized, focused, and motivated. I think I may even converted some others to join the "listside".  I put things on lists that I know I would do anyways like showering or eat breakfast just so I can mark off as completed. Go me I followed through on basic hygiene! Hey I guess whatever works back to list making....

As I struggled with the impending birthday of {gulp} 30 I tried to wrap my head around this number and not panic about entering a new decade. This age is hard year to swallow since what I envisioned my life at 30 would be like back in my younger years is no where close to where I actually am. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't change anything but when it's on paper {harumph} not exactly fairy tale material there. So what to do about it....

I watched numerous "older" friends transition into this birthday in many different ways. I thought about doing  a big party, a travel destination, a countdown. I saw a few do 30 events before 30 cute, but being the ever procrastinator realized there would be no way to pull it off. A failed goal was not how I want to start off a decade. I wanted to be excited, try new things, and looking forward to this next time in my life. In April I thought AH HA a list yes that will make me feel better!  THE LIST: 30 Things to Accomplish in My 30th Year. 

Some tasks are silly and others will take a bit more dedication and planning. I am always up for suggestions it was so hard to narrow it down to only 30 but there is always next year. I've always wanted to start a blog and didn't know where to begin so this seemed like a great way to start and marks one item off the list. I hope to share with you all my adventures both on and off this list over the course of the year!

30 Things to Accomplish in My 30th Year

1) hot air ballooning
2) go out of the country
3) cook 20 different fish/vegetarian meals
4) watch a sunrise
5) go to shooting range
6) go to the beach & build a sand castle
7) climb a mountain
8) color run
9) attend a midnight movie premiere
10) outdoor yoga
11) ride a tandem bike
12) jet ski- sadly no I've never done this before
13) sleep under the stars
14) see an opera
15) read gone with the wind
16) enjoy a bottle of wine at a winery
17) 20 random acts of kindness
18) sew 1 project-
19) host a party
20) send out holiday cards (any holiday)
21) visit 4 museums/zoo/science centers etc you get the idea
22) attend a concert
23) drive a convertible
24) lose 30 lbs
25) adventure sport: rock climb/zipline/atv/skydive/white water raft
26) build a snowman
27) paint a picture
28) start a blog
29) attend a "fun" class (cooking, wine pairing, sushi, cake decorating etc)
30) reach 200 geocaches