Friday, August 16, 2013

#2 You want gravy with your fries?

*moose be in Canada Eh?*
This summer there was a weekend I actually didn't have a wedding event to attend and all the man wanted for his birthday was to visit his family. I thought hmmm going to Buffalo is a perfect opportunity to check an item off my list: #2 going out of the country. 

Buffalo is just a hop skip and jump away from Canada. I know, I know it's Canada and hopefully I will get a chance to go somewhere a bit more exotic later in the year, but it still counts in my book. So with a craving for maple syrup and poutine we packed our passports and hit the road for a weekend adventure.  

*View of falls from observatory tower*

I haven't been to Niagara Falls since I was a little kid. My breath was still taken away at the sight of the falls. I was amazed at the beauty and power of this natural wonder. I got a chance to finally ride Maid of the Mist, it's always been on my life bucket list.  It was very refreshing on a muggy day after hiking around the Falls Park on the USA side.  You can get a bus pass for the very efficient WeGo bus system, but it is just as nice to take in the sites of the falls and people watch by walking the whole length of the falls from Clinton Hill to Table Rock on the Canadian side. I totally felt like a little kid as I giggled from getting sprayed by the mist on table rock. The lighting of the falls at night makes them all the more magical.

*Maid of the Mist-presoaking*

After crossing the border which ironically enough smelled like maple syrup we checked into our hostel. W has never done one before and I had good experiences with them in Costa Rica so thought why not. Even one has to try it once. 

 I will say though I love meeting new people and don't mind the shared bathrooms or the lumpy beds, I hate others dealing with a timezone difference. Some lovely guests kept me up till 4am with music and others woke me promptly up at 630am to start the day. Ha there was a time I could function on that little sleep but not anymore. This girl can't bounce back like she  used to! Other than the night owls, the owner was a treat to talk to and we enjoyed a nice breakfast of croissants and fresh fruit on the balcony. 
*awarded official backpacker by Patrick*

While traveling internationally it's always fun to play the "where are you from?" game with fellow travelers. It's like a mini geography quiz every time. Upon checking in and talking with a charming Welsh gent who seemed pretty knowledgeable about the states the conversation went like this:
Guy: where yee from?
Me: Ohio
Guy:Ohio? Wear the fox hat? {say it out loud} 
Me:Just a few hours west, 2 states away still on Lake Erie....
Guy: isn't there a big city on lake like Detroit there?
Me: no that's Michigan, Cleveland is on the lake in Ohio
Guy:ooh Cleveland is in that state. Ok now I know it...isn't the Rock Hall there? 

Thank goodness that museum puts Ohio on the map. I guess I'll lead with Cleveland next time sorry Ohio.

*Enjoying the view of the falls*

The Niagara Falls area sure has changed. While the park near the falls is still quiet and focused on the natural beauty every where else is very touristy. I wasn't expecting the explosion of commercialism. It was nice to walk around and take in the sights and people watch. I lost count at the number of different languages spoken, it was really neat!

*you want it I'm sure it's here on the strip*
 There is something about being unplugged from your phone/email that makes vacations that much sweeter. On Fridays the park puts on a free concert and fireworks and it was a great event to end the evening.

*Fireworks, concert, & Niagara Falls view = perfect night*

The next day my super sleepy self and almost birthday boy headed to Buffalo to meet up with his family. We got to watch little league baseball tournament games and attempted to catch Hamlet in Delware park. The rain and clouds chased the actors away after scene one and we quickly changed plans of a dinner picnic in the park to an Indian restaurant a few blocks away called Taj Grill. Thank you Trip Advisor you were spot on with the ratings it was some of the best Indian I've had in a long time. 

*Shakespeare in Deleware Park, Buffalo NY*
*Hostel Buffalo Niagara image from*

Due to both soccer and baseball tournaments decent hotels were scarce that night, so we opted to give hostels another go around. Hostel Buffalo Niagara was where we laid our heads that night and it was a great experience. The staff was wonderful and the building was a converted firehouse (no fireman pole left though I looked). It is located right in the heart of downtown theater district & bars. It has been a while since I"ve slept in bunk beds and it took me right back to being in Smith Hall dorms. W really seemed to enjoy his top bunk fort! 
 The next day after some more baseball, a pink with glitter manicure by W's niece, and birthday cupcakes we trekked back to Ohio with smiles on our faces and memories of a great trip.

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