Wednesday, August 21, 2013

# 11 A Bicycle Built For Two

*Our Tandem Adventure*
I'm on a roll... another list item completed! Riding a tandem might seem a little silly but biking has always been a popular mode of transportation in my home town and even more popular is using a tandem. I've see them all over and have always wanted to try looks like so much fun so on the list it went. 

After a night out with the girls, J and I were looking for something different than our usual Louisville hangouts. The weather was perfect so J suggested checking out the new additions to the Waterfront Park. It was nice to see so many families enjoying the new walkway bridge and all areas of the park pretty populated. 

*Photo by Jacob Zimmer,*

Right beneath the Big Four Bridge you can rent all types of bikes. From a surrey (a covered bike/car thingy), a segway, or tandems they've got you covered. You can rent them by the hour or the day. Since we were new at this and I'd been forewarned riding tandem can be a bit tricky we opted for the hour.

Here is just a little preview of the first 5 feet or so of us just getting started...a bit rocky. Our photographer B thought it would be a great time to shoot video after we promptly swerved off the sidewalk. Enjoy!

Pretty much the whole ride sounded liked you really expect anything different when the two of us are together? Ha Ha! It was a beautiful (and thankfully breezy) ride along the river front. I promise we did get better by the end of the hour and no children or dogs were hurt in our journey (close calls though). 

The take off was always shaky and I pretty sure you'll never achieve gracefulness on a tandems if you are under 5'5". I found that the back seat rider is  just there for the company and pedal power. In that see you have no control over the bike and can't really see where you are going... not my favorite feelings.

Thanks for helping my complete this list item J, I had a blast! Now that I've ridden a tandem the likeliness I"ll try it again: eh maybe and only if I'm in the front. 

Hope all have a great week of adventures!

1 comment:

  1. This was so much stinking fun!! I keep trying to get B to go ride with me, but no such luck yet.
