Thursday, May 8, 2014

Exploding Box Gift

W and I decided to be a bit more low key and not buy gifts for each other but make something instead for our 3 year anniversary. I was searching for something different than just a card and I knew I didn't have time for a T-shirt quilt (someday sigh). I stumbled upon this idea that is a kind of interactive mini scrapbook contained in a box.
take off the lid and BAM!
So I decided to go all middle school style and make him this exploding love box and a mix tape to help pass the drive time as we travel back and forth to see each other.

my color pallet  
Materials you need for the project are super easy: 4-5 sheets of 12x12 card stock, ruler, scissors and double stick tape and tacky glue. 
 There are tons of tutorial on pinterest, youtube or online. I based mine off of A Cherry on Top's tutorial. It is pretty easy to follow and has great step by step photos. Check it out! I switched mine up a bit to make it 4 layers instead of 3.

  I wrote little notes as well as some ticket stubs from events we've gone to over the years. It was a lot of fun to look back through photos and see what all we've done and all the different hair styles!

It's easily adaptable to make as a mother's day gift or if sewed it a baby book even. Oh the possibilities. This is a project that you could spends weeks on or just a day depending on how wrapped up you get. Good luck!

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