Monday, May 19, 2014

#4 watch a sunrise

My favorite spots to view the city from my hometown: Huntington Beach

I had a plan to watch the sunrise [list item #4] at the beach huddled in a blanket (maybe viewing a comet) with a thermos of something warm. But instead by accident I guess I caught my sunrise driving in to a super early weekend shift downtown. I'm glad I got a chance to be alone in a quiet car watching the Cleveland sunrise early one morning while I was driving in to work.

 I was filled with a sense of awe at the sheer beauty between the mixture of nature and man's  ingenuity. I watched the shimmer of pinks and orange reflect of the windows of the sky scrapers and shadows dance on the bridges. I was amazed at how beautiful the lake was and on a bitterly cold morning humans have found a way to create a home and enjoy this space. One could say that I was in awe:an experience of such perceptual vastness you literally have to reconfigure your mental models of the world to assimilate it.
almost magical
Anytime I watch the sunrise or sunset I start to contemplate and reflect on life. How many other days have I seen the legs of sunlight streak across the sky but don't notice it as I am too engrossed in my current task? This wasn't a life changing event or anything but more like a life appreciating event. It gave me a boost on the early morning to enjoy what I have and look forward to what is yet to come. It let me freeze time for a moment and see things through a different light.

Later that day I stumbled upon a youtube channel called Shots of Awe. Jason Silva a "Performance Philosopher"  uploads short (he calls them philosophical espresso), inspirational videos in which he explores topics such as the miracle of life, the evolution of intelligence, and the advancement of technology. He is totally my new nerd crush. I wish I could speak as eloquently and passionately as he does. 

 I think he sums up life beautifully: "we fit the universe through our brains and it comes out in a form of nothing less than poetry we have a responsibility to awe" 

I never want to lose that childlike curiosity and wonderment. I always want my breath taken away by the sheer beauty, complexity or magnitude of life. I live for the AWE and I hope that you can too, shake up your routine, break some of those mental habits and appreciate those simple things in life. Get inspired.

Awe Video link

check out my other favorite video: Existential Bummer

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Exploding Box Gift

W and I decided to be a bit more low key and not buy gifts for each other but make something instead for our 3 year anniversary. I was searching for something different than just a card and I knew I didn't have time for a T-shirt quilt (someday sigh). I stumbled upon this idea that is a kind of interactive mini scrapbook contained in a box.
take off the lid and BAM!
So I decided to go all middle school style and make him this exploding love box and a mix tape to help pass the drive time as we travel back and forth to see each other.

my color pallet  
Materials you need for the project are super easy: 4-5 sheets of 12x12 card stock, ruler, scissors and double stick tape and tacky glue. 
 There are tons of tutorial on pinterest, youtube or online. I based mine off of A Cherry on Top's tutorial. It is pretty easy to follow and has great step by step photos. Check it out! I switched mine up a bit to make it 4 layers instead of 3.

  I wrote little notes as well as some ticket stubs from events we've gone to over the years. It was a lot of fun to look back through photos and see what all we've done and all the different hair styles!

It's easily adaptable to make as a mother's day gift or if sewed it a baby book even. Oh the possibilities. This is a project that you could spends weeks on or just a day depending on how wrapped up you get. Good luck!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Cuyahoga Valley Train & Maple Sugar Fest

 I've had this post ready for a while but lost the camera with photos for a bit whoops!
sing it: come on ride the train choo choo

I’ve gotten a gift the past two year to ride the Cuyahoga Valley Train to various events. It has always been an adventure and great time to enjoy the sites along the Ohio canal.
Tap that
I went to the maple sugar festival at Hale Farm and Village. A friend from school tagged along on the adventure and we got to ride the train for a short while, then hop a shuttle over to Hale Farm. 

From there we got to enjoy a pancake breakfast and explore the farm. There were guides in period dress explaining the lifestyle.
There also was maple sugar tapping and boiling unfortunately with it below 20 degrees the sap was not flowing very fast. We spent most of our time in the blacksmith shop because it was the only warm place!
Bonus got a distant peek at the house my mom grew up in! 
Throughout the year there are all other different types of train rides you can do. Brunch, mystery, wine tours, and just plain educational or as regular transportation alongside the Ohio Canal.  

It’s only 3$ if you have your bike and the route is right along a fabulous path called the towpath. It was the path that canal boats were towed along way back in the day (mid 1800's) when the canal was the super highway transporting goods from Lake Erie to the Ohio River. The path is nice and flat and very well maintained. You can also hike and check out some of the locks along the way.

The valley has some awesome hiking trails as it’s part the Cuyahoga Valley National Park and Summit County Metroparks

Other fun things to do in the area is check out a quaint little town called Peninsula. There are some art galleries and good burgers at Whiteys or beers at the Winking Lizard. Appalachian Outiffiters is right around the corner for great gear and rock climbing.

The Valley is a great day trip from Cleveland (only about 30-40 min) and who knows maybe you can catch a show at blossom.
All aboard!