Thursday, January 16, 2014

Organization part 2

I will say a few more key elements to organization are repetition and communication. In addition to weekly scheduler and page protectors I keep a master calendar both in paper and on my phone. I found the more times I write something down I can commit it to memory so it does seem redundant to have many calendars going at once but for me it helps solidify what is going on.

Mostly likely you aren't an island of organization. It's great if one you have everything together but if the others in your household have no clue then there goes all your hard work. Even though we aren't in the same household W and I have shared calendars for iphone so we have a general idea of what is going on in each others lives. We can be supportive during stressful times and try to leave some times open so we can meet up. Again using the color coding helps...we can see that an orange event is coming up that means date time!
icalendars and W's command center
I made his weekly organizer horizontal
Having one place that you keep all this is key too. You can make all these great lists and charts but if you loose them what's the point. I've might have brain washed W too he has what we call: the Command Station. It is a white board with cork board around it, he has his weekly scheduler there as well. It is a fluid center for important papers, bills, needs and to do lists and general communication.

All this organizing can seem pretty sterile but there is one thing that W and I do to keep personal communicating going when we are not together.  I love you because is a great easy project and helps acknowledge your loved ones when maybe you aren't there at the moment to tell them or a reminder after you are gone for the day/weekend or whatever your schedules are.

To make it you need a simple picture frame (4x6 works well), dry erase marker and to print out I love you because photo. You can jazz it up with ribbons or other crafty bits and put it in a place you both have access to. Take turns leaving little love notes for each other.

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