Sunday, January 12, 2014

Keeping organized part 1

It's a new year and many I know have resolutions about getting things organized. I thought it only fitting to have a few posts on that topic.

I have a lot going on at the moment (who I am kidding my life has always been like this) taking 7 classes, working multiple jobs, attempting social life and daily household needs. I constantly hear how do you do it? Well there is no magic secret I am just super organized and I use a few tools to keep up it. So here are a few tricks I do to keep it all together mostly it's all about visuals and repetition.
these are my favorite with the eraser attached & magnet
My top secret is dry erase markers! I love these can write reminders on the mirrors, on picture frame, page protectors, and more. Don't the the white board limit you! Be forewarned though they are not stain removal friendly so if it gets on cloth you're out of luck

Having schedule visible at all times is a great visual cue reminder. In my room I have a weekly schedule. I like that I can glance quickly at a snapshot of the the bright colors help make it more cheerful. I've made a couple of these for gifts and they always seem welcomed  treat for the busy student.

To make this is super easy DIY craft just find a collage frame. There are lots of different styles and prices. I like the 8 photos since it gives you an extra day for notes. Use scrapbook paper or any other paper and cut to fit into frames. Really dark paper or a busy print makes it's hard to see your writing. Attach marker to a string and attach to back of frame. Viola you are ready to go.

One more tip for managing a number of people or items is having some kind of code. Color coding and symbols worked wonders growing up in a busy household of 6. We each had colors to distinguishing was going where..hmmm maybe that's where I get all this list making from.

all ready for next semester
 With my classes I like to match my notebook or folder with the color I make the class on the schedule. That way early in the morning when my eyes are still half glued shut I know to grab the blue and red folders for the day and yellow the next. I got started on this in high school. My school rotated class meeting times every single day of the I quickly had to come up with a system to maximize those 3 minute class change breaks so I could get as much socializing in as possible!

The other things I can not live without is page protectors! These babies are great for writing on with a dry erase and I used them in my classroom all the time. Plus they are super cheap! Print desired list or assignment and put into to sleeve and then write away to your hearts content. It's a great learning tool, they really help me memorize/quiz myself for anatomy class. I just used a ring to keep pages together and carried it all over for a study session on the go. I also used it to help sort out what was due for all my classes and a giant to do list. You can laminate (I have one of those too) pages but it can be costly and is permanent.

Overall the main thing for staying organized is finding what works for you! Try a few things, adapt them to your needs and you might be surprised how simple things can help.

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