Saturday, August 31, 2013

#3.3 Homemade Veggie Calzone

 I've had some great vegetarian dishes out at restaurants lately but one little word on my list voids those as being completed:COOK. Hmm only 8 months left time to get cooking!

*The calzone making process:
 rolling out dough, adding the toppings,
getting ready to bake & enjoying the masterpiece* 

As part of our most recent super date- Italiano style for dinner I decided to make homemade calzones.  The dough is made from scratch (see recipe below) and I had a plethora of veggies in the fridge to choose from for toppings. If I had more time I would have made the sauce from scratch too but it turned out delicious anyways.

The dough recipe is very easy and pretty quick to throw together.It has a nice light flavor, rises minimally, and turns just the right amount of crusty when baked.  It's a great base I'll be using it again for sure. I might play with adding spices to give it more flavor. I don't think you can ever go wrong with rosemary!

1 c. warm water
1 T. yeast
1 t. salt
1 t. sugar
1 T. oil
2 ½ c. flour
Combine yeast and water. Mix till dissolved and bubbles. Add salt, sugar, and oil. Add flour, stirring until dough pulls away from bowl. Turn onto floured surface and knead in any loose  flour. Form ball and place in greased bowl. Place bowl in warm oven or near heat. Let dough rise till double in size. Roll dough out. Cover dough with sauce and desired toppings. Fold over dough, seal edges, and place on baking sheet. Bake in 375 degree oven for 20 minutes or so. Note the color of the dough does not change so don't expect a golden brown to signal it's done. 

Inside Ingredients
I used Ragu 7 herb tomato sauce it was a perfect blend of spices and tomato flavor and didn't mask the cheese or toppings. For cheese I used both shredded low fat mozzarella and shredded Parmesan. Toppings I used: broccoli, red pepper, mushrooms, olives, and fresh tomato. The man made a non vegetarian calzone along with above veggies he used capicola and prosciutto both excellent additions!

It was a great meal and made more than enough leftovers for lunch the next day. It was excellent a second time around and the crust did not get soggy at all. 

Dough recipe from a Dating Divas post. Thanks it was perfect! 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

#21.1 Going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo...How about you?

Oops...I found this draft lost to the bottom of posts sorry for the delay in recapping my first completed list item!
*Go to a zoo... Check*

With the help of my sisters and a few friends W devised a surprise weekend getaway to celebrate my 30th birthday. I have to give them all kudos for actually keeping it a secret from me. I knew something was in the works and it was so hard for me not to go snooping. I'm glad the weekend was a complete surprise because I had a great time and it was so nice to see old friends and family!

We started the adventure by meeting everyone at Marcella's in the Short North for dinner. The atmosphere was so much fun! There were numerous bachelorette, birthday, and other celebrations all there too. The concierge at our hotel recommended the veal meatball as an appetizer. Great suggestion, it was seriously best thing I've ever tasted in my life! As a warning maybe it should be called veal meatloaf unless it's a meatball for giants. 

*The birthday conspirators*

Every birthday celebration needs a cake and my sister drove one up special from a well known Cincinnati bakery, BonBonerie. Apparently this cake had been a topic of discussion before my arrival as being "perfect" for me. If you know my family birthday cake/pie is a serious thing in our household. Offering to provide a cake is not a task to be taken lightly because getting the wrong cake design or flavor brings eternal shame.

 I really didn't know what to expect since we were at a restaurant. So when a shiny chocolate glazed cake (bleh) arrived with A LOT of decorative rainbow butterflies (double bleh) I just smiled and played along. As the brightly colored candles were quickly melting all over I heard a yelp and looked up. I noticed the look of horror on my sister's face as she repeated over and over "not the cake, not the cake".  I was so confused! Apparently the server switched the cakes..oops sorry for getting wax all over you {um interesting} cake other birthday person. 

*imagine more butterflies and chocolate glaze VS the real one*

We were relieved that the real cake was found (intact) and a cake calamity was averted. Everyone got to enjoy the well anticipated gift wrapped styled,Tiffany blue, opera cream torte. Great job S, this cake lived up to it's reputation! Hmm maybe I should plan a trip to Cincinnati soon, who's birthday is next?  

After dinner we all stopped for some drinks at a nearby pub. Next my sisters, our men and I went on to Big Bang Piano bar. You can never go wrong heading to a dueling piano bar. Later that night I lured W into sampling some street food...he didn't seem as excited by gyros at 3 am on the corner of Vine and Park as I was. The picture below of his face is just priceless! The next day W & I headed to Schmidt's for lunch and on to the zoo!

*Post Dinner Fun*

I've always loved the Columbus Zoo and don't mind going again and again. I don't know if it is Jack Hanna's influence, the variety of animals, or programs they offer that make this one of my all time favorite zoo's to visit. I must be in good company because the Columbus Zoo consistently ranks as one of the top 10 zoos in the USA (usually in the top 5).

My favorite part of the zoo is one of the smaller areas, but for me most entertaining section: the manatee aquarium. Due to the tank set up you are able to be nose to nose with the manatees as they swim right up to the glass. These guys seem to be always eating or doing something active! As a bonus it's air conditioned so it helps beat the heat on those scorching  days!
*Zoo Animals*

 In my opinion the best event(and one you should not miss) is in the winter: Wildlights. It is a nighttime event that runs a month or so prior to the holidays. The whole zoo gets transformed into a fairy land with over 3 million Christmas lights decorating the zoo. With a little snow on the ground it is pure magic! Each year they add something new, this year celebrates  their 25th. I hope to make it down to check it out this year. 


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

# 11 A Bicycle Built For Two

*Our Tandem Adventure*
I'm on a roll... another list item completed! Riding a tandem might seem a little silly but biking has always been a popular mode of transportation in my home town and even more popular is using a tandem. I've see them all over and have always wanted to try looks like so much fun so on the list it went. 

After a night out with the girls, J and I were looking for something different than our usual Louisville hangouts. The weather was perfect so J suggested checking out the new additions to the Waterfront Park. It was nice to see so many families enjoying the new walkway bridge and all areas of the park pretty populated. 

*Photo by Jacob Zimmer,*

Right beneath the Big Four Bridge you can rent all types of bikes. From a surrey (a covered bike/car thingy), a segway, or tandems they've got you covered. You can rent them by the hour or the day. Since we were new at this and I'd been forewarned riding tandem can be a bit tricky we opted for the hour.

Here is just a little preview of the first 5 feet or so of us just getting started...a bit rocky. Our photographer B thought it would be a great time to shoot video after we promptly swerved off the sidewalk. Enjoy!

Pretty much the whole ride sounded liked you really expect anything different when the two of us are together? Ha Ha! It was a beautiful (and thankfully breezy) ride along the river front. I promise we did get better by the end of the hour and no children or dogs were hurt in our journey (close calls though). 

The take off was always shaky and I pretty sure you'll never achieve gracefulness on a tandems if you are under 5'5". I found that the back seat rider is  just there for the company and pedal power. In that see you have no control over the bike and can't really see where you are going... not my favorite feelings.

Thanks for helping my complete this list item J, I had a blast! Now that I've ridden a tandem the likeliness I"ll try it again: eh maybe and only if I'm in the front. 

Hope all have a great week of adventures!

Friday, August 16, 2013

#2 You want gravy with your fries?

*moose be in Canada Eh?*
This summer there was a weekend I actually didn't have a wedding event to attend and all the man wanted for his birthday was to visit his family. I thought hmmm going to Buffalo is a perfect opportunity to check an item off my list: #2 going out of the country. 

Buffalo is just a hop skip and jump away from Canada. I know, I know it's Canada and hopefully I will get a chance to go somewhere a bit more exotic later in the year, but it still counts in my book. So with a craving for maple syrup and poutine we packed our passports and hit the road for a weekend adventure.  

*View of falls from observatory tower*

I haven't been to Niagara Falls since I was a little kid. My breath was still taken away at the sight of the falls. I was amazed at the beauty and power of this natural wonder. I got a chance to finally ride Maid of the Mist, it's always been on my life bucket list.  It was very refreshing on a muggy day after hiking around the Falls Park on the USA side.  You can get a bus pass for the very efficient WeGo bus system, but it is just as nice to take in the sites of the falls and people watch by walking the whole length of the falls from Clinton Hill to Table Rock on the Canadian side. I totally felt like a little kid as I giggled from getting sprayed by the mist on table rock. The lighting of the falls at night makes them all the more magical.

*Maid of the Mist-presoaking*

After crossing the border which ironically enough smelled like maple syrup we checked into our hostel. W has never done one before and I had good experiences with them in Costa Rica so thought why not. Even one has to try it once. 

 I will say though I love meeting new people and don't mind the shared bathrooms or the lumpy beds, I hate others dealing with a timezone difference. Some lovely guests kept me up till 4am with music and others woke me promptly up at 630am to start the day. Ha there was a time I could function on that little sleep but not anymore. This girl can't bounce back like she  used to! Other than the night owls, the owner was a treat to talk to and we enjoyed a nice breakfast of croissants and fresh fruit on the balcony. 
*awarded official backpacker by Patrick*

While traveling internationally it's always fun to play the "where are you from?" game with fellow travelers. It's like a mini geography quiz every time. Upon checking in and talking with a charming Welsh gent who seemed pretty knowledgeable about the states the conversation went like this:
Guy: where yee from?
Me: Ohio
Guy:Ohio? Wear the fox hat? {say it out loud} 
Me:Just a few hours west, 2 states away still on Lake Erie....
Guy: isn't there a big city on lake like Detroit there?
Me: no that's Michigan, Cleveland is on the lake in Ohio
Guy:ooh Cleveland is in that state. Ok now I know it...isn't the Rock Hall there? 

Thank goodness that museum puts Ohio on the map. I guess I'll lead with Cleveland next time sorry Ohio.

*Enjoying the view of the falls*

The Niagara Falls area sure has changed. While the park near the falls is still quiet and focused on the natural beauty every where else is very touristy. I wasn't expecting the explosion of commercialism. It was nice to walk around and take in the sights and people watch. I lost count at the number of different languages spoken, it was really neat!

*you want it I'm sure it's here on the strip*
 There is something about being unplugged from your phone/email that makes vacations that much sweeter. On Fridays the park puts on a free concert and fireworks and it was a great event to end the evening.

*Fireworks, concert, & Niagara Falls view = perfect night*

The next day my super sleepy self and almost birthday boy headed to Buffalo to meet up with his family. We got to watch little league baseball tournament games and attempted to catch Hamlet in Delware park. The rain and clouds chased the actors away after scene one and we quickly changed plans of a dinner picnic in the park to an Indian restaurant a few blocks away called Taj Grill. Thank you Trip Advisor you were spot on with the ratings it was some of the best Indian I've had in a long time. 

*Shakespeare in Deleware Park, Buffalo NY*
*Hostel Buffalo Niagara image from*

Due to both soccer and baseball tournaments decent hotels were scarce that night, so we opted to give hostels another go around. Hostel Buffalo Niagara was where we laid our heads that night and it was a great experience. The staff was wonderful and the building was a converted firehouse (no fireman pole left though I looked). It is located right in the heart of downtown theater district & bars. It has been a while since I"ve slept in bunk beds and it took me right back to being in Smith Hall dorms. W really seemed to enjoy his top bunk fort! 
 The next day after some more baseball, a pink with glitter manicure by W's niece, and birthday cupcakes we trekked back to Ohio with smiles on our faces and memories of a great trip.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Back to School

This is my favorite time of year where the days get a bit shorter, the nights a bit cooler, fresh corn is in abundance and the smell of new backpacks and freshly sharpened pencils hang in the air. I've always loved fall and the new beginnings it brings (school year and football season). 

*it's that time of year*
August is usually busy for myself and most of my other teacher friends. There is the rush of gathering school supplies at the lowest prices, fretting over upcoming schedule changes, teacher meetings, and scouring the area for textbooks. I am doing all these things this this year too, but instead it will be as a student.

  After 7 years teaching in the middle school classroom I am filing away my lesson plan binders, teacher outfits, science lab supplies, and what seems to be a million pencils and stickers. This year I am going back as a full time student to complete the perquisites needed to attend Physicians Assistant School (hopefully next August).

 I've been thinking about a career change for a while now and this seems like the best fit. I'm not going to lie it was a tough decision that I struggled with for many months and got a bit teary eyed as I turned in my resignation. I truly love teaching, but I do believe that as a PA I will still get to teach everyday in just a very different way and with different clientele. 

There is no guarantee I'll even get in to PA school, which has become pretty competitive. This change is a bit of a gamble, but one I'm willing to take. To complete all the applications (deadlines are just a month away yikes!) for next August cohort I am scurrying around making sure all my tests, transcripts, essays, observation hours, and recommendations are in order. Wish me luck! 
*oh yeah  ALL science*

I may be a bit crazy attempting the course load I am these next 2 semesters, but I rather enjoy being back in school. Guess somethings never change. Overall I'm nervous, but mostly excited for this new chapter in my life and to see where this adventure takes me. 

I wish all my teacher friends a wonderful school year. Best of luck and I thank all of you for the tremendously difficult job you do day in and day out! You truly make a difference in so many people's lives and I appreciate all the hard work you put in to make that first day of school welcoming and smooth.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Got Science?

*space is far out*

Time flies when your having fun! I can't believe the summer is almost over.

 I've been busy working  and having a blast at the Great Lakes Science Center's summer camps this week. If you haven't been to this museum in a while I would highly recommend checking it out. Not because I spend a lot of time here, but because it's a pretty awesome museum in itself. 

This winter/spring there was a complete renovation to the NASA Glenn Visitor Center and the Titanic exhibit is there until January 5th. I've seen the Titanic exhibit in 4 different location and each one is unique, but this is one my favorite collections.There is also a new Omnimax movie Hidden Universe playing. I haven't seen it yet but I've heard its really good. Be sure to check out the Mather while it is still open. Did you know it's actually floating?

There is always new stuff and really cool programs going on at the Great Lakes Science Center. For example August 10th is Space Saturday: Curiosity 1 year later. There are many of these space themed events through out the year that include astronaut meetings, artifacts, and hands on activities for all ages. Yuri Night's is an adult only costume party that is a blast! Space isn't the only focus of events... be on the look out for sleep overs and spooky science nights in the upcoming months! 

*multiple floors of fun*
This Saturday I'm looking forward to walking (stupid broken toe) the Run or Dye 5K. I just picked up my dye packet and T-shirt this afternoon, I can't wait! Yeah one more item soon to be off my list

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Take a Hike- Cleveland Heritage

*start of tour*
This year marks the 5th anniversary of Take a Hike series. These urban hikes explores downtown Cleveland neighborhoods and the history behind them. The tours last 1-1 1/2  hours of walking and talking. Along the way actors pop out in character & period costumes to explain their contribution to history at key locations. The tours are free but donations are much appreciated. 

*Rockefeller came to chat*

I did the Playhouse Square tour a few years ago and the Warehouse District tour this weekend.  It was a great event to get out and see what is new & remember the old in downtown Cleveland! 

The Warehouse district was a fun tour since it's been a while that I've been in that area (but I preferred the Playhouse Square tour a bit more). The Warehouse tour is about the industry & business moguls while the Playhouse tour is more about the entertainment and music history.  The guide leading the tours is very knowledgeable about all time periods in Cleveland.The architecture of the buildings is breath taking and I learned about many hidden gems and facts about Cleveland. For example I can explain why the Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame is located here and the original spelling of the city's name. Who knew so much has happened and so many influential people have left their mark in this city throughout the years. 

*Halle Building*
*theater ceiling*

There are 5 different areas of tours running May 15th-September 15th rain or shine. Each area has a different historical focus. Reservations not required except for large groups. 

Playhouse Square Tuesday night
Civic Center Wednesday night
Gateway District Thursday night
Warehouse District Saturday morning
Canal Basin Park Sunday morning

I highly suggest checking them out. Just another reason Cleveland rocks!

For more information about the different hikes check out this page