Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanks & List Check in

I am half way into my 31st year and have been a bit silent in to blogging word. Sorry to leave you hanging, no I didn't complete my list  in time, but I got really close and I enjoyed exploring each option and connecting with others through the blogging. And hey it gives me something to work on for this decade.

In my 30th year my life took a turn that I didn't really plan for when I started this blog. For example I spent my 31st birthday in the cadaver lab...never thought I would ever say that! I went from being in the front of a classroom to being a student.

Here is a recap of last 16 months in  60 seconds or less depending on how fast you read.  I had been dabbling in the idea of changing careers for a number of years. So June 2013 I went all in and took classes full time through the summer in classes that would be applicable to the medical field. I passed on a teaching job that next school year, moved in with my parents and continued trudging through over 30 hrs of prereqs needed to get into Physician Assistant graduate school. I was told multiple times there was no way I would get in this cycle with my odd education background and having 12 outstanding classes to still complete. My hard work paid off and woo hoo I had a pick of schools to go to. So May 2014 I began an all consuming 24 month PA program at BW and since then I have had no time to blog...showering some days feels like a treat.

All in all I wouldn't change this time for anything in the world. It is some of the most challenging things I've done but I am loving every minute of it (ok maybe like 80% of the time).  I couldn't have done it with out the continued support of so many people in my life.

I want to give a big giant moment of gratitude for my support system of family and friends. I could not be keeping it all together as much (or as little) as I am with out you and I appreciate you putting up with my flaky and moodiness. I know I don't say thanks enough as I'm always on the go or multitasking. But I cherish spending time watching OSU games with you even though I''m tucked away in the corner studying. The simple things like getting a card in the mail, a good luck on your test voice mail or even "dinner is ready" means the world to me and your words of encouragement do more for me than I can ever express.

Thank you to my fellow crazy classmates. I am so glad to be working with each an everyone one of you and I'm so glad we are class that supports each other rather than competes.  Its great knowing I'm not the only one struggling at times or get really really excited over simple things like a pot luck trail mix bar, correct answers on snapchat studying, or walking club. I know I'm making life long friends and look forward to the next chapter of clinicals coming up in just a few short months eek!

So please bear with me as I am a little disjointed from the world for  the next 16 or so months.  I'll try to keep up to date here and there with my new adventures and plan to still finish my list [someday]!