Sunday, February 9, 2014

#26 The Abominal Snowblower

I have always liked power tools and the smell of fresh cut lumber puts an extra spring in my step. I don't shy away from driving the riding lawnmower, attempting to wrangle the heavy duty gas powered leaf blower, and can somewhat comprehend how to change over the house to a generator if need be. Over the past two years I have been having extreme difficulties with our snow blower.

Now this is not just any dinky snow blower, I'm proficient with a basic one.This particular machine is nicknamed "the beast" by my dad. It is 10 horsepower, 24 inches wide, 6 speeds of pure metal machine able to take down all levels of lake effect snow. All season long I have tried my best to tame the beast. 

 With multiple tutorials from my dad I still could never manage to get it going, hold down all the levers, and turn knobs to direct snow flow and steer at the same time. Phew my hand is cramping just thinking about it! Last year was a complete flop as it might have gotten away from me (what can I say in mittens I'm all thumbs) but it was an ugly bush anyways.

Boss Savannah Kitty is checking my progress
 First attempt this season with the step by step run down fresh in my mind...Beast wouldn't start. Haha there is an electric start option I will not be defeated so easy! I promptly got one swipe done and it no longer would grind. hmm no luck I hung my head and shame and put it back in the garage and let my dad handle it in the morning.
hand shoveled about half of this and said who I am I kidding!
Second attempt couldn't get it started even with electric start option harumph it was only 1 degree outside. Third attempt: as luck would have it my dad was out of town and we got a good 5+inches overnight. I started to shovel by hand, crazy idea and decided today is the day...I will conquer the beast!
woot woot
She started right up like a beauty and while it wasn't the prettiest job I was able to finish all of the drive and sidewalks! Yes I stopped before getting too cocky as the spout kept getting gummed up with wet snow. This made me think about and item on my list: build a snowman. I've been thwarted recently from completing because the snow has been so odd this year terrible packing snow not to mention the negative double digit windchill. 
got another 4 inches today alone!
I thought this heavy wet snow had all the makings of great snowman snow.  You never know when the last snowfall will hit. Who am I kidding this is Cleveland we will have snowfalls at least until St Patricks day. I totally misjudged this snow and it was terribly grainy and fine. Not a great start.
Tada item #26 complete!
Sigh making a snowman seemed so much easier as a kid! I sure my neighbors were watching me and thinking why is a grown woman on her hands and knees in the yard? Sorry folks just trying to make a snowman. Since I was feeling extra accomplished after my snow blowing and the temperature was above 25 degrees I would not give up. With a lot of elbow grease I was able to pack together enough snow create a mini snowwoman. I can't help but smile when I look out the window at it. Maybe as it warms up a bit I can gather a few more people to help build a bigger one. Until then it was fun to take a break from everyday life and be a kid again.
Time to go snow blow again...I'd help but I'm still tired just watching!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god at your teeny snowman!! Lol! He's adorbs!
